How to Consign

how to consign with middle child

Consign with us to clean out your closets of unused kids' clothes, earn money, and support sustainable shopping šŸŒŽ

1. Review the Consignor Agreement

2. Fill out the New Consignor formĀ 

Click here to fill out your information before yourĀ first drop-off

3. Review current business hours for drop-offs: Ā 

Open for drop-offs Monday - Friday, 8am-1pmĀ 

Physical address for drop-offs in Montclair, NJ will be provided after submitting the New Consignor form

*Note: Unexpected closures happen - check instagram stories for any changes to the day's business hours (

Known 2025 closures for drop-offs:Ā 

    • All federal holidays
    • May 7 - May 16
    • Sept 29 - Oct 24

4. Gather items up to these limits per drop-off:Ā 

    • Up to 30 clothing items (sets count as 1 item)
    • Up to 10 pairs of shoes

Bring your best! Review items closely for stains or holes, as these items willĀ not be accepted.Ā Before bringing an item, consider "would I buy this and in this condition?"

Items we accept are listedĀ here

Brands we love are listed hereĀ 

5. How to bring items:Ā 

    • Bring items in a hard or structured container (a box, bin, laundry basket; no trash bags)
    • Clothing items must beĀ freshly laundered
    • Clothing must be laid flat with all buttons buttoned, zippers zipped, and snaps fastenedĀ 
    • Shoes must be wiped clean, sand-free, and laces tiedĀ 

6. Store selections

Items selected at drop-off will be processed and in most cases posted for sale within 48 business hours. Off-season items will be placed in storage and posted when determined most appropriate for selling.Ā 

Items not selected at drop-off ("nothankyous") will be returned to you. Drop-off review will take 10-25 minutes depending on the items brought in. You may wait while this happens, or return any timeĀ before 5pm the same day to pick up your nothankyous.Ā 

šŸ‘‹ see you soon!