secondhand kids’ clothes brought to you by a middle child
Welcome to middle child, a community consignment shop born out of a love for kids’ clothes.
I’m Lacey, a mom who recently self-ejected from a career in media production to start a small business. After having my daughter a few years ago, I quickly found that cute, quality kids’ clothes are my kryptonite. I also quickly experienced how quickly she grew out of all those cute clothes... In an effort to be more budget- and eco-conscious without giving up my passion for tiny outfits, I began shopping secondhand.
I started middle child in an effort to create the curated experience and quality inventory I wish I’d been finding as a secondhand shopper. Become a middle child consignor so I can help you find a second life for the outgrown kids’ clothes taking up space in your home. Become a middle child shopper to find stylish and high-quality threads for the kids in your life for a fraction of retail prices.
Support your community and the environment by participating in consignment!
With love from Montclair, NJ,
Lacey, your friendly neighborhood mom combating the stigma of being second (or secondhand)